Dataviz and mapping projects
Missed Opportunities: Suspended EU Funds for Hungary (HHC)
Explanatory project on why and how EU funds are suspended for Hungary (with Krisztián Szabó)
Danube Warming Up (Átlátszó/Átló)
This data journalism scrolly is about the warming of the Danube over the last two decades based on extensive data analysis. (With Orsolya Fülöp, Krisztián Szabó)
Under Orbán and Magyar the left-liberal opposition has finally collapsed
Data-based analysis on the European elections and its consequences to Hungary.
ATOM - Archives and Traces of Migration (National Archives of Hungary)
Digital humanities project on the global migration of European archivists. (with Krisztián Szabó)
Hungarian Popular Film Culture (ELTE MMI, forthcoming)
Sanctuary forests for WWF Hungary and Reintroduced species for National Geographic Hungary
Just for fun
Landcover of Hungary
Political protests and demonstrations in Europe 2022-2024
Dataviz book
In November 2024 ELTE Eötvös University Press published my handbook, the first Hungarian language book on the theory and practice of data visualization. So far it received absolutely positive feedbacks and recognition and it looks to be an immediate success. More info here.
Academic work, publications
Lutheran Network-Spiš (Szepesség) refugees in post-Trianon Hungary. (with Balázs Ablonczy, Gábor Koloh)
In Regional Statistics Vol. 14. No. 1 2024. pp. 3–18.
The Hungarian Media System: Unequal Worlds
In Sabrina P. Ramet – László Kürti (eds.): Civic and Uncivic Values in Hungary: Value Transformation, Politics, and Religion. London: Routledge
Adat, társadalom és politika. Bevezetés a kritikai adatkutatásba (Data, society and politics. Introduction to critical data studies)
In Bátorfy Attila és Katona Eszter (szerk.): Kritikai adatkutatás. Magyar refrexiók. Replika 132/2024. (megjelenés alatt/forthcoming)
+ Redesign of my website
it was time. link
Best books I read this year
Mary Poovey - A History of the Modern Fact. Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society, Chicago: UCP, 1998
Geoffrey C. Bowker - Memory Practices in the Sciences. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2008
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